This box arrived at my house today, long before it was expected.

Note the pattern on the tissue. It can only mean one thing:

There IS a Doctor in the house.

And not a moment too soon.

The handknitted socks feel right at home.
Oh, yeah: here's some knitting. Progress on the Log Cabin (note the colour change - such is the nature of stashbusting) and the Cap Shawl.

Love, love, love the boots, and the socks are divine!!
Nice boots, baby!
Loving the log cabin, colour change and all.
I love Doc Martens. Mine wore out ages ago,but my hubby still wears his brown docs faithfully.
The socks are fantab!
Perhaps I shouldn't tell you this, but they are showing these in hot pink, bright orange, and lemon yellow here.
He he he, how cool!!! Really nice boots (though I couldn't resist a stray thought to Dr. Who) ;-)
Many thanks for you Holiday greeting, sorry I haven't replied.
Why, Cinderella, you are ready for the seasons balls ... well maybe you're more ready to to kick ... well, I'm going to just go now ...
HA! Ready for the season's balls...hilarious. Yes, a delicate flower I'm not. What I forgot to put in the post is that the styling for that one photo took me thirty minutes because I had to shave my legs first (it IS the middle of winter, after all). Only afterwards did it occur to me that it would have been more a propos to have left it as is.
Lizbon, I saw the coloured ones on the UK website last year and they were DIVINE. And you can get flowered Birkenstock clogs now too.
But why would you want to take her out of UVic???
Jo (UVic '95)
Nice ankles.
just so as you know I nominated Half Soled Boots in the Canadian Blogger Awards, I'm one of the judges this year but will not be judging this category. Hope you win. Dave
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