Pattern: from Better Homes & Gardens' Knitting Year Round
Yarn: Naturally's Loyal DK (pewter) and Sandnesgarn Smart DK (melon & lime)
Needle: 4.00 mm bamboo circular
Tension: not sure
Finished size: 3X
I bribed my daughter with a cookie again (sugar - the key to effective parenting) and got some FO pictures of this, my second commissioned garment (and third). She is four and a half, so the sweater is a bit too small for her - it pulls on the zipper a little. Shouldn't be a problem on a 2 year old.
I thought about captioning these, but they tell a perfect story on their own. Enjoy...

We've just made Christmas plans and Ruby and her family will be around here for Christmas eve. We'll be able to surprise her with it ... thanks, lovely job.
Great work.
She looks like your mom.
Beautiful girl, I love her spirit in these photos. (sweater & hat aren't too shabby either!)
Best model EVER. And I love the sweater and the cap.
Those pictures make me realize how she is growing up ....
Cute daughter--so are the pictures a result of sugar or spirit? :) Love the sweater and hat---you did a great job on those and I'm sure it'll be another knit that Ruby will love!
Stace, you are TOTALLY RIGHT, and I never noticed it before! She does look just like Mom. Great photos Shan!
that is a very well done project . and very good on your daughter too.
Dave, what are you doing up at 11:15?!?!
Rachel, she only got the cookie after the photos...she happened to be in a good mood so was hamming it up. It's her role as the baby of the keep us all laughing.
Sweater & hat are lovely - model - well, I'm speechless. What a monkey. Love those expressions.
Um Shannon, dear, I'm hoping you don't home school math ... but 1:15 there is 4:15 here and I was up for the day. I know, I know, it was a bit of a sleep in ... but I'm getting older.
Ha ha ha!!! Well, I guess my excuse must be that I was up, still, when you left your first comment, so I'm short on sleep and, subsequently, stupid.
Maybe I'll do some Kindergarten review today...
Such wonderful photos! That's quite the knitwear model you have there. Perfect hat and sweater combo, love the colors. And a zipper, I am impressed.
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