I got my brochures from Cunard, two days after I ordered them - lovely "ExpressPost". I'm sure if I hadn't made up all those expensive cruises I'd taken, they'd have sent them by donkey.
GrannyPurple, your comment made my entire week. And, Bon Voyage!
* * *
I got a lovely Bodum for Christmas, having wanted one for a long time. Any ideas what this might be?
You, there in the back - good answer. Observe, the transformation:
The steek stitches.
The steek, fulfilling its natural purpose.
The serger, fulfilling its natural purpose.
I like Bodum cozies, and there's no arguing their necessity. This one ended up a bit too narrow, even after an aggressive blocking, so I ended up ribbing more than I thought. Don't care - it looks cute. I opted for many buttons because I think it looks neat that way.
Bodum Cozy
Pattern: None. Corrugated rib using scraps
Yarn: Patons Classic Merino in a few colours
Needle: 2 circular method, 5mm bamboo
Time: about six hours all together
Size: About Bodum-sized. Could have used a few more stitches (I cast on 40 - should have used about 52)
That's a brilliant way to experiment with steeks, of which I have a very natural fear. I broke Philberts' bodum cups by accident(yes, both) and I feel terrible about it (but they did make a good smash).
Nice Bodum cozy, baby.
First, I had to look up "steek". I have a lot to learn.
Secondly, me thinks, I have seen that orange yarn before.
Thirdly, I wonder if Ox would like one of those.
bethro, Never fear. I think there must be quite the company of Bodum-Beaker-Breakers, hence the beaker replacement market. We own one of those said replacements.
"Steek" has "eek" in it for a good reason!
Shan! Great cozy. I could TOTALLY do this this weekend.
Well it's very charming, but given that my Bodum is a 1-serving (okay, they say 4, but what do they know? I'm a WRITER, for goshsakes), I don't quite understand the necessity bit.
I adore steeks. I mean really, who on earth would want to have to knit back and forth when you can wreak some savage carnage? (sorry; still reeling from a tire-slashing incident)
So, PET, tell more ...
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