Monday, October 23, 2006

On the other hand, that's how I got into this mess in the first place.

You know how, sometimes, you've just had it? I've been looking at this for weeks:

and this morning I made myself back away from the yarn, and told myself sternly that I couldn't do anything....ANYTHING...until I could look at this:

That was a relief. But now I feel a bit depressed, because I walked into the kitchen and saw this:

Somebody hand me some yarn and pointy sticks: I need a little mental health break.


Anonymous said...

Must be Monday ... leave it a day or two and the need to organize it will pass.
But seriously, if you don't look up from the needles, then it isn't really a problem, is it?
But it did look really good in the after picture.

Shan said...

I like your philosophy, Kate. "Just don't look up from the needles." Perfect.

Gwen said...

Hey, is that the Enchanted Alphabet in the corner? I'm delving back into eyestraining insanity and want to start cross-stitching again this fall. Are you done the E.A.?