Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Random Title Here.
I finished her wrap a few days ago...I just need to block it a bit, and sew in all 28 ends, then it will be ready. I keep meaning to take some pictures but haven't got around to it, what with all the Living I've had to do lately. But basically it looks like it did before, only longer.
I'll try to get a few pictures taken as soon as I can... in the meantime, hang in there my lovely rodent friends.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Must be lamb today, 'cause beef was last week.

Yorkshire pudding
1 1/4 cup homo milk (can I get an "eh-men" from all you Canadians?)
4 eggs
1/4-1/2 tsp salt
Into the blender it goes. Let it stand a bit then add 1 1/2 cup flour, and turn the blender on. Leave it on while you heat the oven to 400 and pour a bit of vegetable oil into each of 12 muffin cups. When the oven is hot, put the muffin tin in until the oil just begins to smoke (about 5 - 10 minutes - WATCH IT). And yes, all this time the blender is running. When the oil is hot and ready, whip the tin out, turn the blender off, and fill the hot-oil-prepped cups with mixture to within 1/4" of the top. Back into the oven and bake about 15 - 20 minutes, til they look like mine.

Fill with gravy, stuff in face. (Even packaged gravy can't ruin these, by the way.)
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Thank you Dr. Skelton.
On the other hand I spent a fair few minutes in university learning about those poor rats who, when they were rewarded randomly by a food pellet after pushing a button, pushed the button for eternity even after food had been discontinued altogether. One group of rats got a food pellet every time they pushed the button: this group would stop pushing after a few unsuccessful tries. Another group never got a food pellet, and these would stop pushing almost immediately. But the rats who were fed randomly? pushed that thing until they actually perished, their little ratty paws poised in stiffening death on the very button that held them in thrall.
So according to the rules of behaviourism, I am perfectly on course to keep my readership hanging on my every word, despite my habit of posting Not At All, then Five Times Per Week.
See you tomorrow!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Okay, sorry it has been a while. A few things happened -- a bit of fall cleaning, some cleaning-induced depression, ruminations on the meaning (or lack of meaning) of life, the start of school (my daughter is in Grade One at Ye Olde Homeschool) and a bit of knitting. It kept me busy.

Note the tensor. I'm not sure how I have ended up with a wrist injury. It wasn't from the knitting. I do vaguely recall letting Emily swing from my hand on the way to the library, and thinking at the time, "yowch." Obviously it was worse than I thought -- bad enough to keep me awake nights.
I've had to take a rest from knitting the heavy blanket. And you can see how I feel about the whole state of affairs, as evidenced by my rude hand gesture (I am flipping off Life, if you're wondering) and my expression. This is a slight departure from my usual sunny radiance (again, if you're wondering).
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Where's a Genie When You Need One?
- Monet to Dali - Modern Masters
- Vancouver International Film Festival
- Kiri Te Kanawa Farewell Concert
- Seussical, a musical based on the works of Dr Seuss
- Georgia O'Keeffe exhibit
- Loreena McKennitt Ancient Muse Tour
- Carmina Burana
- Women's Fashions of La Belle Epoque 1890-1914
- La Boheme
- I Pagliacci
- Bach Christmas Oratorio
- musica intima - A Rose in Winter
- 4 concerts by the Vancouver Chopin Society
- National Ballet of Canada presents Giselle and Polyphonia
- Royal Winnipeg Ballet presents Sleeping Beauty
It just about kills me.
Although I can't go to a single one of these events, there was one thing in the Arts Preview that I could do: Nettwerk Music Group has put out a free CD compilation download here, and we all have until midnight on September 10 to get it. You can download as often as you like. So I, in my continuing efforts to bring Canadian music to the world, am telling you to go over there and get it. All you have to do is fill out the info (name, email address, gender and age) and get the zip file.
Go ahead - you can thank me later.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
For Cripes' Sake Lighten Up Already.
Three things I fear:
1. Religious extremists
2. Widowhood
3. MVAs
Three people who make me laugh:
1. Mr. HalfSoledBoots
2. Emily
3. Joss Whedon
Three things I love:
1. Hot glue
2. BC Ferries
3. Dumbek drumming
Three things I don't like:
1. Conformity
2. Telephone solicitation
3. The fashion industry
Three things I don't understand:
1. Mortgages
2. Lip discs
3. My brother
Three things on my desk
1. Tape measure
2. Bunny hand puppet
3. Orange Blossom cookies
Three things I am doing right now:
1. Nursing my child to sleep
2. Rubbing my feet together (I have done this when I get in bed ever since I can remember.)
3. Debating retrieving my secret Mars Bar from the tea caddy where I stashed it last weekend
Three things I want to do before I die:
1. Learn tai chi
2. See a strip show
3. Sail
Three things I can do:
1. Raise a sardonic eyebrow
2. Keep a secret
3. Row a boat
Three things I can’t do:
1. Keep house
2. Diet
3. Use a power drill
Three things you should listen to:
1. Your conscience
2. David Suzuki
3. Our Lady Peace
Three things you should never listen to:
1. Naysayers
2. The American president
3. Whining
Three shows I watched as a kid:
1. Cover Up
2. Greatest American Hero
3. Simon and Simon
There. That wasn't so bad, was it?
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Five by Five

Saturday, September 01, 2007
for you
which part is the part that knows
that feels, is aware,
inhabits the muddy shell and shows the rest
that I am here, for now among the shoddy living
making my way and scurrying back when I find
I’ve been down this avenue before
I remember, it goes nowhere
within is the greater part I suppose
I hope
it transcends I think or is meant to although
the flesh that binds me here
has its own power, own devices
and cleverly cunning with a smirk
this corrupt vessel of earth has craftily hidden
and in secret and darkness
lovingly shaped through five long years
a monstrous pearl.