It narrowly missed my hand. PALPITATIONS, anyone? I called Mr HSB over in a faint voice, to get a look at it. Please note the similarity in diameter between the spider's leg span and the drain basket in my sink.

Not twelve hours later, I was crossing the living room floor in the dead of night, and saw another, smaller one, in the middle of the floor. Then, the next morning, I threw the kitchen window open again and ANOTHER one fell into the sink, just as it had before. Then last night, someone moved a box of donations I was gradually filling up, and Surprise! Thing Four.
I used to be afraid of them, but I got over it when I was really drunk one night at a weekend-long bachelorette party at Whistler, and in a moment of liquid courage saw fit to slap one with my bare hand. It was pretty funny at the time, not to mention a little disgusting, but the greater implication was that I realised I was more menacing than they were. Breakthrough.
And in the last part of this pointless and arbitrary post, I direct you to my sister's blog, where she and her children compose a touching poem about the many beauties and bounties of fall. (Warning - vegetarians may be disturbed.)
I like having screens on all my windows! Although we still get the big spiders, usually brought to our attention by the cats running across the floor after them.
Right now I have crickets in my garage. They are loud!
Good grief, lady! I had heart palpitations just seeing the picture!
It's beetle season in my house. Ugh.
That's a pretty scary spider! Remember, you scream because then they stay still. Or that's what my mum said.
I thought we had a similar size spider in our house, until I got close: it was a plastic trick spider
Oh god! I remember those freaky things!
Wow, there's enough spider there to feed a whole family.
Ugh. Don't you hate it when the weather changes, and suddenly they're everywhere? I'm not looking forward to the rainy winter, when they all come in my house!
i have no problem with spiders but ants and mice can drive me up the wall because the are so unruly.
i remember as a child we had mice in the house and i even managed to bring one to school. omg it was so awful. but they are cute and well proportioned for toys.
rats makes me shiver.
I'm just glad that in your drunken smack down you didn't encounter a spider that was "with children". THAT is nasty!!!
I did that, sober,in my first apartment, alone, with a newborn. YUCKO!
Yep, I have been on spider smashing duty lately. Kevin got one that size a couple of nights ago. It scurried across the carpet. *shiver*
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