win·some. Pronunciation: \ˈwin(t)-səm\ Function: adjective Etymology: Middle English winsum, from Old English wynsum Date: before 12th century
1 : generally pleasing and engaging often because of a childlike charm and innocence

There's a little growing room in there - never a bad thing.

She looks like Helena Bonham Carter, don't you think?

And little Ruby, in these lovely pictures, has done what so many other children failed to do - she has made me all broody. I'm only 34, after all, and I always did want one with dark hair...
Oh, Ruby (and the sweater) are lovely - I especially like the last action picture. I always wanted a dark-haired child as well- I'm still confused how I ended up with a blonde ;)
Keep having babies. You may just get one.
Gorgeous sweater and model. Helena Bonham Carter never looked so good. The butterfly buttons are very cute.
She is adorable.
Good job, Shan.
Oh, so unbelievable precious. I'm so knitting this sweater next year...if it stays in my beleaguered brain for long enough. I think I just made that word up, haha! :)
She has the perfect colouring for that sweater, hey?! Love the puzzled expression. The sweater is a great fit on her. Well done!
Oh. My. Goodness. She is too cute! The sweater is wonderful! Perfect for such a cutie like her. Now, where can I get me one of each of those?
Awwwww. Adorable, and yes, just like HBC. But I am childproof. I can look at the cutest children on earth without coveting.
Perhaps one of your girls will consent to having her hair dyed dark for Halloween...
I can't believe how beautiful that child is. Honestly, I can't even think of anything else to say, that's how pretty she is. My goodness. Wow.
The sweater looks amazing...and what a cute model! Outside of the one puzzled face, it looks like she's enjoying it too!
if you had posted yesterday the name of the post could have been called ruby tuesday...
helen bonham carter. yes she does look like her. i read somewhere that her face looks like a tea pot. hilarious. but i love her looks and even the shabbyness for which she is scolded all the time.
and i love this little sweater on the little girl. she is so cute and the sweater is very feminine. go ahead. but maybe you will get a blonde son, or even a strawberry blonde son. and wouldn't that be great also.
What a cutie she is!
As a 36 year old hoping for her third, I say go for it. *grin* But then, I covet other people's children regularly.
Lovely sweater, too, on a lovely little lady.
This sweater is sooo beautiful!
The sweater and Ruby both look gorgeous! Hope you're feeling better now.
Oh doesn't she look fabulous in your sweater? Just so sweet.
the last picture was the bestest. So sums up a little girl doing her thang.Makes me kinda sad, my four are past that stage, but at least I have pics.
She is such a cutey and looks absolutely lovely in that sweater.
an anne. a darkhaired anne is what you want. did i guess it right??
She, and the sweater, are adorable! You did a beautiful job. I love it. She is such a lucky girl to have you in her life.
Thanks for all the nice comments on our daughter, we just finished reading them and it makes us want to go make some more. ;)
Thanks Michael Marissa and Ruby
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