jumbled up all here and there
bits of stuff are everywhere
furrowed brow as fingers do
magic with some glitter glue
push aside the towels and sit
just ten minutes while I knit
buttered scone and cup of tea
children snuggling with me
sometimes there's a bit of mess
but mostly...
mostly happiness
-Copyright 2008, me
It's Messy Tuesday and here is my longsuffering coffee table.

And here is a lovely, lovely post which is perfect for the day on which we look around at the things we Have to do, and decide instead to do the things we Want to do. Kristine is an occasional commenter here at HalfSoled Boots - I met her on Ravelry. She has lovely little baby and a busy life with family, home, work and craft, and she still finds time to blog. This short little post is a verbal snapshot of a warm afternoon with mothers and daughters and potting soil, and a few lines of inspired prose. It's just beautiful, and well worth your time to read. Enjoy.
Seriously blushing over here.
Glad you liked it. And thank you.
No, no....thank YOU.
: )
I like your poem. :) And I love seeing all the messy Tuesday posts...I am in full agreement that there are so many more worthwhile things to be doing other than cleaning. Especially those things we WANT to do.
Nicely done.
love the poem. And the idea that it's okay to do the things we want rather than the things we ought.
v. nice.
OK, you've forced my hand. Watch the mail.
Oh, Shan, I love your poem. That desire for snuggling doesn't disappear. Within the last month I've had both my 21 year old and my 16 year old daughters nestled up against me. Wonderful, lovely, and, to me, unexpectedly surprising. Little remnants of the glitter days you're now enjoying. Thanks for bringing them back to me!
Thanks for your comment Anna - it's nice to hear from you.
Dave, I'm all agog now. What on earth?! I shall watch the mail intently.
OK, note is written, parcel is wrapped, will be in the mail tomorrow.
Oh now you're killing me.
tee hee that's kind of the point
*Sigh* Thanks Shan. Your poem is lovely. And thanks for sharing Kristine's post too.
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