I have to put up something quick to deflect notice from the book review which garnered some mockery from my smart-ass sister and my erstwhile friend.
YEAH I SAID "ERSTWHILE" YOU COCKROACHES, IT'S CALLED BEING LITERATE: LOOK INTO IT. You should be happy there is still someone out here in the blogoverse who doesn't write crap like "this book is kinda cunfuzing but 2di4, ur gonna luv it lol".
After the intensive monogamous Christmas knitting, I find myself somewhat at loose ends. I have several things in my Ravelry queue (oh, by the way: I'm on Ravelry! Whoop-de-doo!) but none of them are really pulling on my skirt, you know? I see something I like, but when I open up the pattern and see the bit where it tells me how many stitches to cast on, I just can't dredge up the motivation. I heave a halfhearted sigh and click on.

I think it's okay to drift rudderless for a bit. I was talking to Karen-of-the-Comments about it, and she said I need a bit of time to come down off my Aran/Print o' the Wave high. I think she's right....and we agreed that, come January 1, I will probably be flooded with inspiration, innovation, anticipation, and determination.
Also, apparently I will be beginning my career as a motivational speaker sometime soon.

My Ravelry queue includes Saartje's Bootees (so cute!), Odessa (very needful in this weather), a Log Cabin blanket (because I just won a bunch of yarn that I think will be perfect for it), and Clapotis (one of these days). I have some WIPs I need to finish, as well - the Anemoi Mittens, a Sirdar cardy for my first-cousin-once-removed, and the second Geisha sock for my farm-girl friend. I should probably get at least one of those out of the way before I start something new...

I don't know. Maybe I'll let the knitting go for a couple of weeks (unthinkable!). Then I'll find my mojo again and the blog will be more interesting.
Well, less uninteresting.
It's very impressive that you managed monogamous knitting during the holiday rush. You deserve some fun me-knitting for sure.
Sorry the sibs were teasing you - I have quite a few book reports where no one leaves a blessed comment and I wonder why I bother. So... who are you on Ravelry so I can friend you?
I kinda lost my knitting mojo after the Christmas knitting was done as well, but it came back when I found the right project, which was Greenjeans. So relax and yours will come back soon as well.
Can't wait to see what you make with the yarn you won!
In my defense -- I never said I didn't admire or appreciate the book review, I just said Gwen made me laugh :) Is a cockroach a step up from rat?
Mmmm... log cabin blanket. Loverly. What colours have you got?
And I, on the other hand, can't stop knitting. Must. knit. more.
I vote for Odessa. I have always loved that hat. Now I have to go back and read the book review and see what all the razzing's about.
Actually the razzing wasn't that bad. G said "smarty pants" and I heard "show off". It happens.
Those itty bitty booties are adorable. I love them.
Smarty pants.
Good luck on that mojo thing, I'm still looking around for my blog one. If I ever wade through The Historian I might try the book review gig, mine will go like this" ewww- blood and vampires!!!!"
Pretty much sums up my life right now......
Hee hee hee . . . I'm glad to find another one of us. Language Geeks, unite! ;o)
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