Tuesday, December 06, 2011


I write to you today from my couch of pain. I have been slain by a head cold. I have been prostrate for two days, propped up with cushions in a vain attempt to reduce the congestion.

I have that weird sensation of absolute clarity in my actual nose, but with sinuses so completely blocked, so completely pressurized, that my ears are aching and my forehead feels swollen. I feel like my head is gone and I am carrying an aquarium around on my neck. Heavy, sloshy, and slow to respond.

I have a feeling this might be just slightly related to NaNoWriMo -- I often find that, once a stressful deadline has passed, I succumb to whatever virus is currently stalking the town. In this case, it's this stupid cold.

NaNo went well, I think. The word count goal was met, but of course I haven't written "The End" yet...I am about two thirds of the way through. I have a bit of writing, and a lot of editing and reworking still to do. The book, like me, is resting for the remainder of 2011 and will be ready for another hard slog in the New Year.

I haven't started Christmas preparations yet...it feels too early. This is silly because it is only 18 days away. Most of my presents are bought, but I haven't done a scrap of cleaning and no decorating. The one exception is the Advent calendar, which of course has to be done on December 1st no matter HOW little one is in the spirit.

I was reminded of this series of posts by one of my favourite bloggers, and went to look it up for you. Lene posted several photos of her beautiful Advent calendar in December of 2007, and I think of this series every year. I was surprised to find, when I searched for it, that it was so long ago...between one thing and another, these past four years have flown by.

So enjoy Lene's lovely Advent calendar, and think of me with pity, here on my davenport of despair...my sofa of sniffles...my chesterfield of chesty coughs.



kate said...

You have my sincere sympathies - those head colds are terrible!

I used to get sick after exams all the time.

kristieinbc said...

Sorry to hear you are feeling so awful. Take it easy with a good book and some knitting. And a cup of tea and some chocolate for good measure.

Thank you so much for the link to that advent series of posts by Lene! I loved those posts when she did them and had sort of forgotten about them.

Dave Hingsburger said...

Otravine, do you use Otravine, get the one with the green top ... immediate relief. Do you know that you can't get Otravine in the states, just Canada and the UK. I don't know why ...

Susie Hewer said...

Oh dear, sounds as if you need a good strong hot toddy (malt whisky, lemon and manuka honey with hot water), I often succomb to a lurgy the week before a marathon when I reduce my mileage.