Friday, June 25, 2010

Dear Santa

Six months from now, you better not bring any more stuffies to this house, you fat bastard.


Valerie said...

very funny!

Dave Hingsburger said...

So, I was on blogger and, as you know, you are on my update list. I glanced down and saw that you had a post up and my eye was drawn immediately, and before anything else, to the words 'fat bastard'. I thought 'So what did I do to her, biatch!' Glad I read on rather than waddled away and sulked, grew hurt into hate and then spent the rest of my life spitting venom at you. Could happened but didn't.

Rona said...


Honestly I don't blame you! Look at all of the stuffy carcasses lying around ;) Been there done that. I say bag em up and donate the ones ones they wouldn't miss to the hamper drive that happens in the fall.

carlarey said...

Oh, I know that feeling. My child won't part with a single one of his babyhood stuffies. This is especially ironic since he won't leave the house wearing anything but an Insane Clown Posse t-shirt.

lizbon said...

Holy Moley!

Suelle said...

I think these things breed. Maybe that's where sock monkeys come from--the stuffed gorilla & the pair of missing socks...
Oh crap! What will appear if I don't find that pair of underware my son shoved behind his bed?!?!

Jo said...

We recently made Willow de-stuffify. She was able to keep 10 out of the (literal) trunkful she had. You would have thought I was asking her to pull out her own teeth with pliers.

Annalea said...

Hahahahahahahahahahahah lolololololol

Been there, done that. (At least Vern has.) Threats don't work. (Most unfortunately.)

All you can do is either contrive a way to make them a decorative addition to your daughters' rooms, or work with the girls on the "it's time to share some of these MANY many stuffies with children who don't have any toys to play with" (or only dirty/torn/broken toys, etc.)

Works like a charm with my kids. :o)

Good luck . . .

Lesley said...

hahaha.... i guess i shouldn't send any webkinz as future gifts ;)

Cynthia said...

I feel your pain. At our house the stuffed animals form various families, so of course you can't get rid of one kitty / bear / monkey / whatever because the rest of its family will be bereft. The only way my daughter can bring herself to part with them is to give a whole family away. It happens rarely but it does make a big difference!

Valerie said...

Thanks for the book suggestion. Our library has a copy, so I'll be reading it soon.

Another one with a lot of fairy tale references is The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly.

Actually your stuffed animal post was the original inspiration for the fairy tale post. Ds just finished college and is living at home. His room looks like a bomb went off in a library. He is to books what your child (or children) are to stuffies.

kate said...

Well, you can always find a family with younger children, who still love stuffies, and pass along some of the collection....

slinks away to leave the conversation now

Christy said...

Hahahahahahahahahaha! This made my day!!