Something possessed Anna to send me an entire skein of Lorna's Laces "Helen's Lace" and to send it in a cardboard box by USPS Priority Post. Not only the beautiful yarn, but twenty quid for shipping - what on earth?! My dear Anna, I simply cannot accept all this generosity. Well, I can, but I'll have to reciprocate. I have kept your address and will put together some tokens of my gratitude as time allows.

These colours are so intense - like berries and flowers.
And Dave, you rascal - not one, not two, but THREE new DVD adaptations to watch? It's too much! I don't deserve it. No, really - I don't. I am salivating over the cover of "Turn of the Screw" which is one of my all-time favourite creepy books: right up there with Girl in a Swing. I had no idea it was THAT version of TotS, and am fairly hopping with anticipation of being able to start it tomorrow. Middlemarch will follow quickly, and The Old Curiosity Shop will bring up the rear. I sent Mr. HalfSoledBoots out for popcorn and iced tea mix, so all I need is to pick up a package of Cherry Blasters on my way home from knitting tomorrow, and I am All Set.

Anna and Dave, thank you. Thank you so very much for your generosity. I could cry - in fact I feel some happy sniffles and a watery smile coming on this minute. I am undone and can only hiccough convulsively into my hanky.
Ice tea mix. . .gag. . .
That was exactly my distracted thought. Eeewwww...
I'll send some Lipton.
Glad they got there safely, let us know what you think of them. I think the actress who played the lead in 'turn of the screw' is amazing ...
Not generosity, just impatience and a general inability to handle the little details of life in a thrifty, organized matter. So much easier to use the box at the post office. . . I've been fretting ever since you made the Rhinegold post, though. Did you have to pay some awful tax on the packages I sent? Not a very nice thing for me to do, if you did.
Here we are
standing here
loving you
whether or not
we should
so somewhere in your wicked
mis-rebal past
there must have been
a moment of truth
Yay for mail!
Ice tea mix is GLORIOUS and sugary and I Lurves it. Real tea should be hot and black and unsweetened and you should consume it with things made from brown sugar and butter and molasses and cinnamon and ginger.
Dave - It's Jodhi May! (she said excitedly,) she's fantastic - she was in the amazing Daniel Deronda.
Anna, I didn't have to pay any duty on your package because I hadn't bought it. So all's well!
Gwen: It never struck me just how misogynistic and self-flagellating that song was until yesterday when I was posting this. Poor Catholic girls, eh? HEY CATHOLICS -- YOU ARE ALL VALUABLE AND PRECIOUS PEOPLE. YOU DESERVE LOVE.
Just noticed your label for the post. Score indeed! Hee hee.
Just for the record, I love hot tea. (Royal wedding blend from Murchies, yum.) I only drink it black. And, some of your amazing ginger bread cookies are a perfect accompaniment.
However, a glass of good iced tea must be made with the same care and concern as a good cup of hot tea.
No, I get that. I just find it kind of a chilly, pallid taste when it's just brewed-tea-served-cold.
HOWEVER. I do believe you sent me something one time called "cool brew", maybe? And I never got around to telling you but it was DELISH. So if that's the "Lipton" y'all are talking about, bring it on.
That concoction tastes like a mix. Since, I knew you liked the mix, I sent that way. I could not stomach it.
Ames, I find you insolent and derisive. The contempt is dripping from your voice.
If you mean I should just brew myself some proper tea, let it get stone cold, then drink it down - say so. I'll do it, for you.
Just impassioned. We are talking tea here.
1. I would like to come over and watch TOTS (hee hee) and TOCS.
2. Like Jodhi May.
3. Don't like iced tea but like iced coffee
4. always think of Alanis' "Perfect" whenever I think of Catholic girls.
6. remind me to tell you about SOM tomorrow
5. Clearly cannot count.
I'm in a get-things-done kind of point form mood.
I haven't read or seen The Turn of the Screw but it has Colin Firth in it so now I want to. Must look for it at Pic-a-Flic.
Oh and I agree with you on the cold tea thing. Sorry Ames.
Warning: Colin Firth is in the movie for about 7 seconds. Very brief ... now I'm a tea snob, I buy my tea at teaopia (look them up on the web - awesome) I don't drink, smoke or eat meat, so I need an obsession and teas it. I love white tea and oolong is a growing favourite. I have a special Chinese clay pot that I only brew one tea in ... for very special occasions. Who needs whine ... I got tea ... (spelling error purposeful)
Dave, We have a Teaopia in town and I pitifully stand with my nose pressed against the window wondering which possessions I should sell off in order to buy one of their pots. I like green, oolong and black. Cannot stand herbal. Have not tried white, yet.
ames, just saw your post, teaopia is wonderful isn't it ... I'm with you on the herbal tea - gag (to quote you). In french herbal teas are not referred to as teas but infusions ... much better, tea is tea. I like oolong, green and white. Oolong is good for me as I'm diabetic and it helps metabolize sugar better - really. May I ask what hamlet you are from, there are only a few Teaopia stores I think.
Blast, I just looked it up. We have a Teavana NOT Teaopia. Sorry. Looks similar though. Very expensive, gorgeous teapots. Haven't tried their teas, but now you've got me thinking. I should dip into the children's college fund and buy some oolong. We are in Charlotte, NC, btw.
Dave,, if you are interested. . .
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