Wednesday, October 31, 2007

What ARE They Thinking?

Not one single channel is airing "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" today.

What do we even HAVE television for, if not to watch Specials?


Anonymous said...

They aired it last night - too bad for you. When I was a kid, I remember being devastated if I ever heard at school that a Peanuts special had been on the night before, and I had missed it. Words really can't express the disappointment.
Anna is currently dressed in black, pretending to be a vampire.

Jo said...

It was on TV last week sometime here. I taped it for Wilow because she had been naughty at school and was barred from watching TV for 4 days.

Jo said...

Oh - and I am going to try the meme, but I have no clue what it will end up like...

Ames said...

Why is there no picture of your costume??????