But I've been wanting these books for a long time, so it's not really an impulse-buy - more a well-considered investment.
Book One:

and Book Two:
They're for me, of course, but one or two Christmas presents might be made from them...maybe. I've got two pressies done already - y'know, we're more than halfway to Yule. (Kate, are you going to smack me for that, the next time I see you?)
You just had to go there, didn't you?
Nice books, though.
Mmm.... I've been thinking a LOT about Christmas as well. I've purchased only two gifts, but have mentally cleaned and decorated the house, planned the baking and organized our getting-the-tree day. I CANNOT WAIT.
Would you believe that I, after clicking on one of your google ads for Village Yarns, actually spent about five minutes looking at yarn? Honest! I'm starting to see the attraction.
Oh, those look yummy! I am knitting the Big Waves pattern from Flying Geese & Partridge Feet right now and think I will have to do a Selbu design next.
Speaking of Christmas already, no that's not a bad thing at all... as a matter of fact I was over at my dads place yesterday and he had some other company as well and we were all discussing picking out our trees now. Apparently I'm the only one out of the lot of us that hasn't done so yet.
I'm going to remember that "well considered investment"!
You and me girl! Not only have I already knit two of my winter holiday gifts, I just purchased a pattern that will enable me to start cranking out more!
151 days to Christmas, 145 days to Hanukkah, 147 'till winter solstice. Get busy people!
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