Will somebody please come over here and teach my stupid dog not to eat fridge magnets?

Look at him. You'd think he wants what's INSIDE the fridge, right? Wrong. He wants to finish the snack he was having when I caught him earlier today.

On the other hand, scooping poop is really easy - you just walk around the yard with a spade held a few inches off the ground, and Zing!

Look at him. You'd think he wants what's INSIDE the fridge, right? Wrong. He wants to finish the snack he was having when I caught him earlier today.

On the other hand, scooping poop is really easy - you just walk around the yard with a spade held a few inches off the ground, and Zing!
At least he isn't eating what our dog does: the floor. Linoleum or carpet, he's not that picky.
You crack me up. Thanks for the morning laugh :)
"and, Zing!" I'm never getting over that. Nothing like a little magnet poop humor for the AM - and I didn't even know it existed until just know.
HILARIOUS!!! What a great mental image.
Well, I don't know if it is a great mental image (is any image to do with poop really great?).... but it certainly is hilarious!
Kate, yes I agree. When I used the word great, it was not in the sense of sipping-my-tea-knitting-and-musing-upon-the-loveliness-of-magnetic-poop great.
BTW, we owe you a camp chair. I haven't forgotten.
Ya like that one, Gwennie? That a good one? Ya like that one?
Good one, Shan. I like it.
I'm at my parents' house right now in Honeymoon Bay and they have little wooden animal magnets on their fridge... all with little teeth marks in them courtesy of the teacup poodle :)
Hey maybe if you let him eat the whole thing, he might stick to the fridge and you can use him to hold photographs?
I think this post should be titled "Pup half-full."
My friends' 4-month-old puppy was eating bubble wrap today. And apparently she'd earlier pulled a condom out of its wrapper (after obtaining it first from inside a messenger bag) and chewed on that, too.
OK, these comments are making me laugh so hard!
Ames - chair not necessary. Seriously. It was the beige one, right? Gimpy chair to begin with.
And on the dog eating gunk stories ... I see you your fridge magnets and raise you one used trout farm fish net, about 4 feet worth. That was fun poop, although it lacked a certain, I don't know, zing :-)
I wonder if the condom poop will come out pre-bagged?
lolololololololol . . . .
Although, I can understand on a certain level, (as someone who has always found a great deal of pleasure in chewing her food), the attraction of the fridge magnets. Firm, but not hard; perfect for sinking sharp tween-pup teeth into. Not that I've ever had sharp teeth, or chewed on magnets . . .
We had a dalmatian who ate the cape off an action figure, and we found it the next spring, wrapped around a dog bomb in the back yard when the snow melted. "Super poop", as it were. thawed it out, washed the cape, and Robin wore it for a few more years. No blood, no foul.
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